Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wasps and bees and stingers, oh my!

So last night I had some strange dreams.  There are two parts that I mainly remember:

The first was in a house, completely unlike my current house, but I still lived there with my roommate.  I don't remember what happened before, but suddenly the house was invaded by a bunch of wasps, and bees, and all manner of stinging flying insects.   My roommate (having remembered that the realtor told us to purchase one of these in case we should ever be invaded by wasps) ran upstairs to get...The Giant Trampoline!!!  We then proceeded to use the trampoline as a net of sorts to catch all the wasps.  Meanwhile we ran to open the skylight vents to suck them all out.  I checked back on the trampoline at one point and somehow, her dog had gotten caught in it and had passed out from bee stings, I assume....We rescued him though, and he revived pretty quickly once all the bees and things had gotten sucked out the vent.   Weird.

The other part was somewhere else, I think.  I was with some idea who he was, and I didn't even really like him that much, but I was apparently dating him in the dream.  We were walking around our city and noticed all this crazy construction that had happened basically overnight.  We went from a quaint city with large tracts of undeveloped land to a freakish looking cross between san francisco painted lady housing and disneyworld on austerity meets Vegas.  Everything was large scale and poorly done.  We just kept shaking our heads and I was so upset that they would do this.  There was also a lot of desert like parts from where they had cleared the land, but hadn't yet built anything.  The main take away from this part was my emotion of sheer disappointment and upset.  I said, "if we could, this kind of thing would make we just want to leave Earth all together."

It's funny how when you start to write down a dream, you can remember more of it.  I just recalled a part where i was working at the massage place and was scheduled to give a friend a massage.  I was very distracted the whole day and kept forgetting to do stuff.  Then, after his massage, he didn't really seem like it helped him at all, so I felt bad.   Weirdness. 

Dreams are fun!  I've only recently actually started to be able to remember them at all clearly, I'm happy for this. 

So breaking out the dream dictionary that I says these couple of interesting things;

"To see a wasp in your dream signifies angry thoughts and feelings....If wasps are building a nest in your dream roof this may indicate difficulties with spiritual progress."     
     Well...I thought I was doing rather well with my spiritual progress, harumph!

"Bees...can also indicate frantic internal chatter...Being attacked by a swarm of bees suggests that you may be creating a situaton that has become uncontrollable and that you need to find ways of calming your inner chatter."
     Hmm...okay, maybe....

"Swarms of insects in dream can depict instinctual urges in life...such as sexual urges...may also be suggesting issues to do with pregnancy.  The power of the group can additionally be suggested...might be telling you that you can often only succeed in changing matters by a group effort....might represent being overwhelmed with guilt....If you see a swarm of insects around you, this suggests malicious rumors are being spread about you, but if you manage to...escape, you will find an easy emedy for  your problems...If the insects are flying off, this may represent...the end of a particular problem that has been upsetting you."
     End of problems is good. :)

"According to Jung, places in dreams...such as cities, towns and villages, refer to how your perceive yourself within the commuity, and how well you are fitting in."
     Since the vibe of the city made me want to leave the planet?  I'm guessin' I'm not feelin' the at peace with world thing right now!

Hunh....Interesting.   :)

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