Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Prism of God

     I was talking to a coworker the other day and I made the comment, "I'm not a fan of death."  He, being a fan of debate, asked why.  I told him I have fun here, I like living.  He offered in turn, "But when you're dead you get to be pure energy!  Wouldn't that be more fun?!"   But it's different.  So I was driving home the other night...and I started thinking...

     I thought about connection.  Spiritually speaking, I believe all of life is connected.  Some connections are closer and stronger than others, but somehow in some way all life is connected.  Being a vegetarian I get the occasional argumentative person throwing at me, "but plants are alive too!"  I know this.  But I believe their connection to life is different than animals'.   Years ago I read a section of the book, _The Secret Life of Plants_.  It described a scientific study reading the energy signature of plants and found that if you cut a leaf and then took a picture with certain energy reading instruments, you would find that the other half of a the leaf would still appear energetically.  This made sense to me.  Plants are different than creatures.  When you kill a creature there's a very definite line that can be drawn.  5:41pm: Alive  5:42pm: Dead.   But with plants, it's different.  You cut flowers to enjoy them in your home, and they are going to die...but they're not dead yet.  You can take them inside, cut off from their roots and life supply and they will still bloom and grow, and often even regrow their roots.  Except for the case of rerooting, the plant will eventually die, however.  But it's a gradual process.  It's gentle.  I've observed this and came to the understanding in my mind that plants are much more strongly connected to each other than animals are.  Where an animals soul is very specific to its physical home, a plant's soul is joined to all of the other plants of its kind everywhere.  So when one plant is cut, the greater spirit of that plant withdraws gently from that specific physical manifestation and rejoins the greater whole.
     Pondering the idea of this, I drove, and my mind came to thinking about all the different types of people in the world.  Sometimes you meet people that you just click with.  Kindred Spirits.  It's such a wonderful blessing and happy feeling to meet someone you just know you can be friends with.  And then you meet people that you just definitely will NOT be friends with.  Whether it be personality conflict or beliefs or the unknown something uneasy just let these people go on their merry way and never give them a second thought.
     My thoughts turned back to the discussion with my coworker.  What is it about this life, all seemingly cut off from each other, so often at strife, with so much negative and heartache in the world, that is still so wonderful?   If when we die we return to the one source, all merging into divinity, why do we come here at all?  My answer used to be, "to learn," and I still believe that, but it's more.  We're like a rainbow.  My coworker's question to me could be answered by simply saying that.  Rainbows, that's why.  Why take a prism and hold it in front of the pure, powerful, complete light of the sun?   To see a rainbow.  To see the whole broken down into some of its many parts.  To see the nuances and the colors and the differences and the similarities and to see the beauty in that.  Of course we're all connected, of course we're all one...but to really see the beauty of it, we need to separate for a shine your color strong, 'cuz that's what we're here for.

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