Saturday, January 24, 2015


There's a whole lot of people accomplishing a whole lot of good lately.  I want to join them, I want to make a difference, do something good and right, and increase the light in the world...but I don't know how.  I realize since my last blogpost my life has spun off the rails.  It was a cascading avalanche of a year and a few months, and I'm here now, wondering if I should bother to pick up any of the pieces. 

A Cherokee Dream Healer once told a story that I was lucky enough to be present to listen to.  I don't remember it well enough, but I remember its essence, I believe.  He spoke of a man chasing something his entire life.  It was always just out of reach.  He went here and there, and spent days and years, *almost* catching and defeating this creature.  At the very end, defeated, he turned around and realized, the thing he sought was himself.   I feel like that now.  

If you've ever played with magnets and tried to press two same-poled ends together, you know the feeling I feel.  It's like the very thing I am doing to try and reach a goal, is the very thing that is keeping that goal out of reach.  But how to stop, how to see, how to turn around?  I don't know. 

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