Friday, January 18, 2013

First Snow

     The night sky stretched on forever, clear and dark.  Stars shining as only the stars of winter can.  Snow-hushed sounds seemed nearer, more real..alive.  I stood for a moment, after arriving home, in the yard - bundled and laden down with bags and boxes.  I took in the white layer of frosting coating everything, making it seem different and new again, even in the darkness.  Aldebaron, my favorite star, and my favorite constellation, The Pleides, shone bright above my house, sinking now towards the horizon.  Our first snow of the season - so late - but it felt good. 
     I stood, for a moment, to be in the moment.  The air was warm for winter, three inches of crumbling snow on the ground...I could hear the running of rivulets...melting snowflakes sluicing off a roof or tree somewhere.  A bird (or a dog) making strange noises in the distance.  I crunch-srushed in my brand new hot pink sneakers to my door and unlocked it to go in.  My kitty stood waiting, but now unsure if she really wanted to venture out onto the white ground.
     I came out again, for the second and final load of groceries and things.  I breathed in deep the air, looking all around -
                                            - the Snow -
                                                               - the Sky -
                                                                               - the Sounds - 
                                                                                                      - and as I srush-stepped back towards my home I blessed.

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